Danica Pension - Chief Cloud Data Engineer for Data Products
Slået op d. 27-11-2024. Deaktiveret d. 17-12-2024.
Do you wish to work in a newly established Data Product department together with the rest of the Danica organization?
Danica is a subsidiary of Danske Bank group, and one of the largest pension providers in Denmark. A new strategy where Data Products and AI is at the heart is under way in Danica, and we are therefore looking for a Chief Cloud Specialist to join us. The unit will be in Lithuania and Denmark, and once fully established will consist of 10-12 employees.
There is no existing setup, and no services is owned by the unit. It is therefore a requirement that you have an entrepreneurial mindset. You will from the get-go influence, how we are going to build Data Products on AWS together with the rest of the Danske Bank group. The squad is frontline facing, so we will have interactions with advisory and other stakeholders that are non-technical. It is therefore important that you are good at knowing you audience and can find a common language.
"Be yourself. We like it that way."
You will:
In the startup phase:
- Support the architecture team on the requirements our team has
- Drive how we are going to build data products on the platform
- Mentor those that are joining the team on how to build on the platform
- Participate in workshops with the rest of Danica to understand our pilot use cases
After the startup phase:
- Deliver new data products on the platform together with different domains in Danica and the team
- Be an ambassador for how we implement new products most efficiently
- Keep improving and challenge us on how we build data products and what we build it on
- Understand the data products and pipelines we have on the platform
About you:
We expect that you are proficient within at least three of these:
- Data modelling and common design patterns
- Cloud Data Engineering (E.g. S3, Redshift+spectrum, EMR and Databricks)
- Transformation, querying and programming (E.g. SQL, DBT, Python)
- Orchestration (E.g. Dagster, Prefect, Airflow etc.)
We furthermore expect that you are familiar with:
- Ingestion and streaming technologies (We use Kafka)
- Data Quality frameworks (E.g. Great Expectations)
- Building containers, Git and CI/CD (We use Azure DevOps or GitHub)
- Infrastructure as code (We use Terraform)
Upper-Intermediate English language skills
We offer:
Please be informed that if the position will be hired in Lithuania, the monthly salary range will be from 5280 EUR to 7920EUR gross (based on your competencies relevant for the job).
See all the benefits HERE.
Your title in job contract will be IT Software Engineer (Cloud Specialist), Chief.
Please contact if you have any questions.
Morten Leth-Sørensen
[email protected]

Om Danica Pension
Ejer: Danske Bank A/S
Startår: 1990
Selskabstype: Livsforsikringsselskab
Markedsandel ift. indbetalinger:
Markedsandel ift. opsparing:
Antal medarbejdere:
Lønvilkår i Danica Pension
Gns. årlig bruttoløn:
985.588 kr.
Gns. pensionsindbetaling i pct.:
Om kunderne i Danica Pension
277.800 mio. kr.
Gns. renteopsparing:
127.800 mio. kr.
36.895 mio. kr.
28.679 mio. kr.
Antal kunder, ansættelsesforhold:
Antal kunder, individuelt tegnede: