Nordea Pension - Production Batch Operation Expert

Slået op d. 06-12-2024. Deaktiveret d. 21-12-2024.
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Job ID: 27391

We are looking for a Production Batch Operation Expert to be part of the IT Application Operations and Maintenance team in Nordea Pension, Technology. In spring 2025 we will be separated from Topdanmark, and the Batch Planning and Batch Operation will be handed over to us, along with the rest of the portfolio. 

This is an opportunity for you to have a coordinating role involved in the Daily Operation of the entire Nordea Pension IT Platforms batch run. You will know and plan the batch run across the different applications, knowing the dependencies and the priorities. You will also be involved in various Business- and IT projects ensuring that the batch changes are implemented in the running schedule. 

You will be working with both internal and external teams in an agile environment where we secure the business is running and the services met.

About this opportunity

Nordea Pension Technology Operations is a newly established department, composed of employees from the former Topdanmark Life as well as newly appointed employees. You will carry out the work from the heart of Nordea's head office at “Nordea Metro”, which is located in Ørestaden close to DR Byen. In addition, you will typically work approx. 2 days a week from home.

You’ll join us as a Production Batch Operation Expert, and you will be part of the Batch Operations team in Technology Operations and Release Management.

You will be involved in:

  • Daily Operations - housekeeping of day-to-day scheduling in NPOS, our new batch platform
  • Incidents, problems, re-runs etc.
  • Coordinating and planning ad hoc batches
  • Close collaboration with Technology and Business
  • General IT implementations and upgrades
  • Different projects and changes to batches
  • Monitor application performance and diagnose issues using Azure Application Insights/Azure log analytics workspace
  • Sparring and cooperation with Group Technology regarding the common Automic UC4 platform and the move from NPOS towards Automic UC4 in the future

The NPOS is an inhouse developed application built using .NET (.NET 6 and Entity Framework 7) and Next.js.

As the Production Batch Operation Expert, you will be part of the continuous proactive improvement of the Batch platform in order to meet current and future business requirements.

What you will be doing:

  • Implementing, moving and change of objects like jobs, arguments, dependencies etc.
  • Coordinate and plan Re-run, Jobs, Arguments, Scheduling, Resources, Calendar, Planning, Capacity etc.
  • Interacting and advising with Database Specialist, Infrastructure Specialist, Network Specialist and Developers in all tasks related to automation, job-scheduling, monitoring and backup/recovery
  • Handling Backups of databases and servers
  • Solving incidents and problems in collaboration with Nordea Pension Technology, vendors, developers and Group Technology
  • Monitoring of batches and performance of the batch platform, and diagnose issues using Azure Application Insights/Azure log analytics workspace
  • Taskforces related to batch performance and technical problems
  • Front-end components of the application are built using React.js.
  • Services in the application is built using .NET (.NET 6 and Entity Framework 7) and Next.js.
  • Messaging solutions using Azure Service Bus
  • Azure Functions using C#

Who you are

Collaboration, Ownership, Passion and Courage. These are the key values that guide us in being at our best.

We imagine that you enjoy learning and are excited about bringing your ideas to the table. You’re dependable, willing to speak up – even when it’s difficult – and committed to empowering others. You take responsibility and ownership of your solutions and have ability to work independently, you are an outgoing and service minded team player and you are flexible when needed.

We expect that you are fluent in English as we collaborate closely with different countries and cultures.

As a person you:

  • Are positive
  • Take initiative
  • See opportunities
  • Are confidence-building
  • Are empathetic
  • Are able to work independently and proactively
  • Are good at collaborating

You have the following competences:

  • Many years of experience with administration, maintenance and operation of Batch
  • Experienced with operating systems 
  • Experienced with file transfers such as SFTP, FTPS etc.
  • Data integrations 
  • Maintain/monitoring compliance with policies and Reports
  • Support improvement of performance and availability standards of technical solutions through continual service improvement
  • Can interact with business teams and subject matter experts to understand their problems and translate their needs

Our ideal candidate will also have most of the following skills:

  • Knowledge of Danish Pension area
  • Knowledge of Cloud environments, AWS
  • Knowledge of .NET (.NET 6 and Entity Framework 7) and Next.js. Vulnerability scans and handling
  • Knowledge of Azure Functions using C#

If this sounds like you, get in touch!

Next steps

Submit your application no later than 20/12/2024. For more information, you’re welcome to contact Head of Business Connect Xenia Kruse, [email protected] or telephone (Telefonnummer fjernet - kan ses på selskabets hjemmeside).

At Nordea, we know that an inclusive workplace is a sustainable workplace. We deeply believe that our diverse backgrounds, experiences, characteristics and traits make us better at serving customers and communities. So please come as you are. 

Please be aware that any applications or CVs coming through email or direct messages will not be accepted or considered.

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Om Nordea Pension

Ejer: Nordea Bank Abp

Startår: 1996

Selskabstype: Livsforsikringsselskab

Markedsandel ift. indbetalinger:


Markedsandel ift. opsparing:


Antal medarbejdere:


Lønvilkår i Nordea Pension

Gns. årlig bruttoløn:

886.207 kr.

Gns. pensionsindbetaling i pct.:


Om kunderne i Nordea Pension


73.897 mio. kr.

Gns. renteopsparing:

17.226 mio. kr.


12.806 mio. kr.


10.228 mio. kr.

Antal kunder, ansættelsesforhold:


Antal kunder, individuelt tegnede:



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