Danica Pension - Senior Data Engineer for Danica Data Products

Slået op d. 24-01-2025. Deaktiveret d. 11-02-2025.
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Would you like to work in a newly established data product department together with the rest of the Danica organization? 

Danica is a subsidiary of Danske Bank group, and one of the largest pension providers in Denmark. A new strategy where Data Products and AI is at the heart is under way in Danica, and we are therefore looking for a Senior Data Engineer to join us. The team is created as part of our strategy and once fully established will consist of 10-12 employees. We will work on establishing data products and trusted insights for the business cases that are established as part of the new strategy. 

There is no existing setup, and no services is owned by the unit. You will therefore need to bring your entrepreneurial mindset.

About the Role

  • Create data models and new data pipelines to supply data from source to presentation layer. 
  • Drive best practices for how we build and model data products on our cloud platform (AWS) 
  • Work closely with all the domains in Danica that are going to use the data products. Domains includes pension, insurance, pricing and customer insights. 
  • Ensure we have sufficient documentation and that we automate it by having governance tools autonomously updated. 
  • Be a mentor on data engineering and a data products advocate.
  • Recommend and adopt new technologies when new technologies become available and mature enough for us to use. 
  • Align data to the bank’s regulatory, governance, security & management frameworks to ensure E2E compliant data. 

About You

  • 4+ years of experience in Data Engineering or similar roles with proficiency in at least one programming language suitable for ETL development (Python preferred)
  • Have experience with Data Platform and preferably have worked with cloud data engineering services on AWS or other cloud provider 
  • You are familiar with data modelling and common design patterns 
  • Have knowledge of ingestion patterns and streaming technologies like Kafka.
  • Experience using CI/CD tools and git for version control and preferable also experience with setting up CI/CD pipelines 
  • Solid communication and collaboration skills 
  • Upper-Intermediate English language skills 
  • You are based in Denmark, as we do not offer re-location.

Apply Now!

We will be conducting interview on an ongoing basis. Please do not hesitate to contact Morten Leth Sørensen, Product Owner – Danica Data Products on [email protected] if you are curious to know more about the position.

Danica Pension logo
Om Danica Pension

Ejer: Danske Bank A/S

Startår: 1990

Selskabstype: Livsforsikringsselskab

Markedsandel ift. indbetalinger:


Markedsandel ift. opsparing:


Antal medarbejdere:


Lønvilkår i Danica Pension

Gns. årlig bruttoløn:

985.588 kr.

Gns. pensionsindbetaling i pct.:


Om kunderne i Danica Pension


277.800 mio. kr.

Gns. renteopsparing:

127.800 mio. kr.


36.895 mio. kr.


28.679 mio. kr.

Antal kunder, ansættelsesforhold:


Antal kunder, individuelt tegnede:



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